
Membership in American Mensa can be obtained in two ways:

Both options are available for a processing fee of $60.

The Test

There are two batteries of testing used for Mensa admissions:

Both sets of tests are proctored, and take about two hours to complete. If you are interested in the Culture Fair test, you must contact the membership coordinator beforehand!

Note that Mensa testing is for ages 14 and over. For those under the age of 14, a prior qualifying score must be used!

Getting Ready

Please see the events pages for up to date information on test schedules. Advance registration is extremely appreciated!

In order to ensure a smooth testing session, unless otherwise noted on the events schedule, payment must be made prior to taking the test by purchasing a $60 testing voucher from American Mensa.

If you wish to pay via alternative means, or have other questions, please contact us before hand.

There is a practice test available both online and paper forms for a fee of $18.

Qualifying Scores

The following common tests are accepted for qualifying scores:

Currently the following are no longer accepted (cutoff year):

This is not a complete list, many privately proctored and less common tests are not listed! Please see the Qualifying Scores page on the American Mensa site for complete information!

If you have a qualifying score, certified results must be submitted to American Mensa, and not via the local group!